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Track: Exhibitor

Session Number: 4003
Date: Tue, Oct 25th, 2022
Time: 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM


OCM. UR. UAT. EUT. What are all these acronyms and how do they actually help ensure your people are ready for change? Change is a constant in today’s environment. In this presentation I will be comparing and contrasting several of Highstreet’s education clients and their OCM path to a new SaaS solution. However, these concepts apply to any change your institution takes on. By taking a structured approach to change and applying tried and true principles to support people through that process, you can achieve greater success in your change ventures.

OCM is vital to a successful modern SaaS implementation, yet it is a chronically neglected area. It is treated as a checkmark and not the cornerstone it should be. Initiatives with excellent change management are six times more likely to meet objectives. Making OCM a priority for your projects will result in a more predictable successful outcome.

Participants will walk away understanding the change management is a structured process and that it has a measurable, positive impact on project outcomes. An understanding that is vital for efficient, on-budget, successful transformations.
Session Type: Presentation
Tags: Adoption, Change Adoption, Change Management, OCM

Session Type: Presentation
Tags: Adoption, Change Adoption, Change Management, OCM


Primary Presenter
Carolyn Corr Smith, CCMP
Sr. Oracle Change Manager