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Going Beyond the Budget with SFSU and Oracle Planning Cloud

Track: Finance

Session Number: 4006
Date: Mon, Oct 24th, 2022
Time: 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM


Join us to explore how San Francisco State University (SFSU) has utilized Oracle Planning Cloud for processes well beyond the annual budget cycle. From a current year forecast to high level strategic modeling, we will dive into how the annual budget can connect with further processes down the line which are often de-prioritized and handled offline. We will furthermore explore how these processes allowed for quick turnarounds of various scenarios during both the heart of COVID-19 as well as to assist with the after effects.
As a multi-year customer of Oracle Planning Cloud, SFSU has continued to push forward with additional functionality to assist the institution with strategic decisions. In the Higher Education industry, the annual budget is often not just king but the sole priority. Following the budget, many institutions rely on the transactional nature of budget adjustments / revised budget to track and plan throughout the year. At SFSU, the model was altered to begin to rely on additional processes in coordination with the traditional methodologies to formulate a full picture. The key functionality we will be exploring are: Current Year Projections, Multi-Year Projections, and Strategic Modeling. Additionally, we will explore how SFSU optimially connects each of these processes with the annual budget as well as to each other. Within each process, we will dive into the expected level of detail, user base, and benefits. We will begin with a functional approach to explain benefits and transition into real-life examples coming from the SFSU solution. While the initial impact of COVID-19 was felt by many, if not all, institutions; there is still a long path ahead for recovery for many institutions. By utilizing some or all of the functionality within this presentation, institutions will be able to have far more transparency and accuracy with their financial process.
Session Type: Presentation
Tags: Budget, Budget and Planning, Budget Forecasting, Budget Reporting

Session Type: Presentation
Tags: Budget, Budget and Planning, Budget Forecasting, Budget Reporting


Primary Presenter
Bernice Yeh
Senior Budget Analyst
San Francisco State University
Tyler Feddersen
Performance Architects