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Billing Request Form/Billing Upload Form

Track: Finance

Session Number: 7511
Date: Tue, Nov 8th, 2022
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Room: Columbia Room B


We will review the traditional billing process via Express Bill (workflow, time required per invoice), and the new Billing Request/Billing Upload Form and compare new workflow and time efficiency.

This project was essential to McMaster due to Billing Volume has been increase by 437% since it's initial launch bringing the Volume of 1,260(Fiscal 2019) to 6,770 (Fiscal 2022) and still growing. Given the steadily increase usage of MacBill, more efficient tools are required to collect invoicing information and generate them quickly, especially during high usage periods such as quarterly and annual billing seasons.

The new form allows Billers to process 50 lines of invoice information with almost the same amount of time of processing a single line invoice. This gives the users the option to do batch processing for invoicing for better time efficiency.

The new form can collect invoicing information directly from any requestor that doesn't have billing access, thus allowing a bigger audience to use MacBill.

This form does not retire the existing Express Bill feature, rather it is a tool billers can elect to mass upload invoices with
Session Type: Mini Session
Tags: Billing, Billing Interface, Excel to CI, Excel to Component Interface

Target Audience: Functional
Audience Level: Beginner
Level of Customization: Customization
Project Phase: Development
Project Go-Live: 2020 or beyond
Session Type: Mini Session
Tags: Billing, Billing Interface, Excel to CI, Excel to Component Interface

Target Audience: Functional
Audience Level: Beginner
Level of Customization: Customization
Project Phase: Development
Project Go-Live: 2020 or beyond


Primary Presenter
Si Tan
Business Analyst
McMaster University
Rachel Monson
Budget and Financial Analyst
McMaster University