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*TWO HOUR SESSION* Achieving results with Joins, Subqueries and Unions in PS Query Manager

Track: Technical & Reporting

Session Number: 3021
Date: Thu, Oct 20th, 2022
Time: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Room: Room 9


Have you ever come across a scenario where you want to list all of the items from one table and their occurrences in a second table even if they don't exist in either table?  In many cases, you could use a LEFT OUTER JOIN. However, there are cases where a UNION is the way to go. In other cases, you may need a SUBQUERY or two! Confused?! I know I was when I first started working with PS Query Manager until I finally understood the basic differences among the three options. I certainly do not claim to be an expert on the semantics of all three methods. I would simply like to share with you how to utilize any of the three in order to render the most effective and correct results from the data.
Session Type: Pre Conference Workshop
Tags: PS Query, Query, Reporting, Workshop

Session Type: Pre Conference Workshop
Tags: PS Query, Query, Reporting, Workshop


Primary Presenter
Anna Kourouniotis
Database Analyst II
Duke University