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Track: Student Information Systems

Session Number: 6517
Date: Fri, Oct 21st, 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Room: Conference 2 A


In our previous application process, an IB applicant had to submit a complete digital application. This could take up to four weeks - in the peak period - for our team of eight Admission Officers to manually assess, due to high incoming numbers. Meanwhile, we had already received the prior foreign education type directly in Campus Solutions as part of the student’s request for enrolment.
In our 2021-2022 IB pilot, applicants only needed to ask the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) to send the UvA the digital results of their IB diploma, which allowed us to treat them just like students with a Dutch diploma. As the data were already available in Campus Solutions, we used queries and 3C functionality to update enrollment checklists using job sets.
The new procedure not only proved much easier for students, particularly those who had already obtained an IB diploma, but also for our staff, as full credential evaluation was no longer required. Because of this, more time became available for complicated foreign diplomas.
In this session we will cover how we designed the pilot, how we adjusted our existing Campus Solution enrollment design with only a few criteria, and the surprising lessons we learned after we rolled out this pilot.
Session Type: Regular Session
Tags: 2021, 3C Engine, Admisisons, Admission Application, Admission Automation, Efficent handling of documents, enrollment, International, international_students, Queries

Target Audience: All
Audience Level: General
Level of Customization: None or N/A
Project Phase: Production
Project Go-Live: 2020 or beyond
Session Type: Regular Session
Tags: 2021, 3C Engine, Admisisons, Admission Application, Admission Automation, Efficent handling of documents, enrollment, International, international_students, Queries

Target Audience: All
Audience Level: General
Level of Customization: None or N/A
Project Phase: Production
Project Go-Live: 2020 or beyond


Primary Presenter
Emilie van Tol
Coordinator Enrolment UvA
University of Amsterdam
Marije Bottinga
Functional Application Manager
University of Amsterdam